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updated: 01.21.21
latest nasty hates are at the top.
(our equally nasty responses to hates follow.)

01.21.21, anon, rot in hell you bunch of faggots. i saw your mother go over while she was taking two nigger dicks, one in her mouth & one in her ass. (being an uneducated low i.q. racist bigot is no way to go through life.)

01.23.20, anon, Fuck you, Duck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, You are a piece of shit & I hope you suffer as much pain as you have caused every family of every person who you’ve written about here. May you suffer ten fold of the pain you’ve inflicted with your sociopathic obsession over those who were in pain & saw no way out due to temporary insanity. MAY YOU DUE IN A HUMILIATING & DEGRADING WAY THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN THE SAME WAY YOUR SICK TWISTED WEBSITE HAS DONE TO THOSE WHO NEVER KNEW YOUR PIECE OF SHIT SITE EXISTED. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH. (come on, captain happy pants, get off the fence and tell us how you really feel.)

05.18.19, Sol W., Fuck you. And ya mom
05.18.19, thanks for all your support. it's visitors like you that make what we do here worth every moment. to think we stirred you enough to post your well thought out slam and then run away. mom appreciates the thoughtfulness of your intelligent greeting. hugs and kisses and please do return.
05.18.19, Sol W., No one ran away, dickhead You’re just an asshole. How can you live your life like that. Like wtf is your problem
05.18.19, you're a regular wordsmith, weaving a story so compelling. we'll post this for all to see, because sharing your stellar prose would no doubt benefit all those that read it. thanks again for all you do and please don't change who you are for anyone. be well, sweetcheeks.
05.18.19, Sol W., Ok. Make sure you tag me as well. So I can put my 2 cents into the post. I pray for you. Because your negative view on everything is sad. You’re a soulless piece of shit.
05.18.19, you've provided enough 2¢ and it's worth much less. you can shove your prayers, as apparently, your words are what the jesus would say. thanks for adding to what was a forlorn and almost forgotten hate page. your spewage is appreciated.

02.14.10, sackcheese, Fuck you nigger, Niggerland,,, Fuck you, Die now kthanks, I pray for an extremely painful and untimely death for you. I nearly died this way and i wish i could bring all of the pain onto a voyeuristic bastard such as yourself. Id cut your throat if i could i'd like to see The guy that runs this site jump because: He's a sick fucking bastard that should be castrated immediatley. (come on, won't you be our valentine? since your first suicide attempt didn't take, maybe you should apply more effort and try again, but this time focus 100% on achieving your goal and not half-ass it again like the 'tribute to fail' that you are. you need to jump where the towers are. then they could scrape most of your splattered carcass off the rocks and leave the remaining slimy bits to the scavengers. can you do this? can you finally do something right for once in your sorry racist loser life? try for one hot minute to think of everyone you must torment on a daily basis, instead of your hateful selfish self. wouldn't you like to finally make their lives worth living and bring them joy, as opposed to having to deal with you and your self inflicted problems from day to day? i'm sure one of them would gladly give you a ride to the bridge and then report your long awaited departure on this website. that would be a splendid day indeed. do it. take yourself out. come on, just do it. seriously, die already.)

12.30.08, RimJob, BitchLand, I Still Fucking Hate You. Your Mom Should Fucking Jump Off The Bridge.O And Happy Holidays! (and a happy holidays to you as well!)

12.26.08, Mr. Big Dick, Tampa, Fl., You Fucking Suck. (a woman you know came by shortly after you posted your brilliant opinion, telling us 'big' was not the adjective she associated with you. her's was a different description, something like, "little, you know, like a ten year old boy". she told us of your big truck with the nutsack hanging on the back in an effort to compensate for your "short comings". then she giggled.)

09.15.07, jizzguzzle, I would like to go back in tyme and slapp the monkey spunk from your mothers mmouth and prevent your conception (perhaps when you do go back in "tyme", try harder in school.)

10.22.06, leakage, wise ass imature fucktards (almost a full year and this is all we get? where are all the better nasty haters when you need them?)

11.22.05, Keith, Tarpon Springs, Fl., You all are some sorry mothjumpers i wish i could pimp slap u sorry bitches send u 2 meet your maker myself why dont all u go chug some cum u comma cozy cumslut queens (your words read like a list. sad to think of all the time you wasted in school, my pimp brotha.)

03.16.05, Brucie, I have something origanal for u suck my dick u cock souckers i can wait to laugh when u die!ha (your desire to have another guy do that to you is nothing "origanal". it's called homosexuality and it's time you came to grips with yours. mix in a comma or period every now and then, man who asks other men to "soucker" their little boy parts.)

09.30.04, unknown coward (we have since fingered out vic w. sent this delightful item to us.), australia, you sick fucks, my cousin commited suicide, and you quote in your raison d'etre (get a fucking dictionary out you thick cunts) that there is value in all humour. you know nothing. you feel nothing. you are there for the lowest common denominator in society. and although you will say that society is entitled to it's muddy entertainment, where does that leave you. ha ha now that's irony if you could ever get the concept. my cousin was a good man. i hope you all die. (your cousin gave up and now you lash out at us. ever think he clocked out to get away from his vile hateful dill piece of shit cousin? that would be you, bloke. get over it. we thick cunts will continue to feel nothing. we will not let a cry baby blowhard like you spoil it for the rest of the wonderful aussie people that like this site. we will not go away or stop what we do to please some dickless clacker like you, just because a weak family member decided his life wasn't worth dingo shit.) vic sends the following e-mail to a local radio station:
09.30.04, vic w., australia, i don't believe in censorship per se however, your radio station logo and copyrighted trade mark for mark larsens morning magazine appear on the website for, this is a site that finds humour in suicide. my dear cousin committed suicide in this manner last year. you can have no idea of the pain. now, you could continue to allow yourselves to be advertised on this site ( under friends and related sites ) and all that is associated with it. however i suggest you have a closer look. it's not satire, it's not funny, but 'entertainment' for the lowest common denominator. surely yur copyright lawyers can take some action to humiliate and aggrieve in some way this site. you have a social responsibility as a voice, as the 'media' to act. otherwise we might as well just pack it all in now and give up like my cousin. yours in the hope that hypocritical irony and won't prevail here. vic w. (thanks for the forward, mark. so vic, how's this workin' out for you? you need to give up. you know, like your cousin did.)

08.11.04, AnGel tUrd, yOu are enJoying OtheR PeopLes MIseRy. YoU wiLL NOt Go 2 HeaVen yOU FucKiNG little woRM (suCkS tO Be uS.)

03.10.04, STINKYFINGER, FUCK YOU YOU'RE A SICK FUCKING BASTARD ... ROT IN HELL MOTHER FUCKER (and to think your mother promised to never tell you our little secret.)

10.17.03, Virgil, Kailua, HI., You guys should lick the cheese from Rosanne Bahr's twat. Assuming that hasnt been used yet, and get your rocks off by Lorenna Bobbitt while sucking the dick of Yokuzuna and listening to Barry Manilow and John Tesh. Please send pics of this when it happens (since virgil obviously put much time and thought into fabricating his incredible cut on us, we post it here for your reading enjoyment. study and learn from virgil's insightful prose.)

09.03.02, Darrell Mc., Cocksucker: Your humor is tasteless. Hopefully, someone will push you off the bridge and we will see how funny you think it is, may you rot in hell!

the following were originally e-mail exchanges:

01.24.02, Yanni M., fuck yourself asshole you fucking little wimp pussy I'll kill you. this fucking site shows how pathetic you are making fun of people that are mentally ill if I ever see you you'll wanna commit suicide. Hey you cock sucker I m glad you think your pansy gay ass site is funny You re a pathetic excuse for a homo It s very sad that you get pleasure out of making fun of people with mental problems. Real nice asshole& fuck yourself, -Yanni (your worse nightmare) (hello yanni, thank you for stopping in and checking out it is a pleasure to offer visitors like yourself a bit of humor about the people that take themselves out by jumping off the bridge. so, do you kiss your mom with that mouth? what gives, taking the mental illness thing a bit too far, are you? does our site hit close to home? as for us performing some stunt with your little boy part, you'll just have to find a boy toy somewhere else, as we're just not interested. send us the address to your stellar website, so we can learn what a real funny site looks like. thanks again and bring it on, nightmareboy.) yanni then replies:
01.24.02, Yanni M., Hey, I read all the people that were pissed at you and your responses and you were pretty cool. I get your point But what I’m trying to tell you is that people that kill themselves are not normal A normal person doesn’t follow through with it. And the people who do this are past being normal and don’t realize what they are doing. You have to feel sorry for people that have mental problems that tell them its okay to kill themselves. The way I found your site is that someone I am very close to had someone related to them jump and I was looking for more info on it because I never really found out what happened from my friend he doesn’t like to talk about it Notice I wasn’t too specific there I just am telling you why I thought this was so sad it was my best friend I felt so sorry for him. I can’t imagine if he is searching for stuff online too and he finds this website and sees his relative on there he would freak out that you are making fun, that would really hurt him. You have to know that you are asking for trouble though having a website like that come on. I didn’t actually think it was funny when I was at the open casket funeral but that’s me. I know you are making fun of people so they don’t do it before they do it but then after they do you are still making fun of them like: here is a list of retards and that would hurt a relative or someone that is already having a hard time getting over this. I think you are hilarious anyway and you are having too much fun with the responses and you’ve gotten too good at them. Alright so hopefully you got my point. I’m not an ass just a person and either are you I wona tell you to just make it a little clearer on your site that you think that suicide is tragic and horrible and that you feel sorry for the people and their families. And my site isn’t that funny I have a few about sports and stuff. Alright later dude. -Yanni M. (see what taking your meds will do? so much calmer now. we may be asking for trouble, but we doubt we are asking for your initial response and death threats. it's asshole's like you that take things to such extreme, you become a terrorist. we never claimed that jumpers were normal people. people that kill themselves are not normal and we are sorry someone near to you took their own life. suicide is tragic and horrible, but we feel it was their right to do so. we do offer help to jumpers. if they do not want to appear on this site, then perhaps they should try some other non-jumping-off-the-skyway-bridge method to end their suffering.)

12.14.00, Bob angles, California, you are a cocksucker. get a fucking life you stupid shit.. I guess you will be next to jump. I fucked your mom in the ass for a quarter. You are worthless boobye (thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to visit our website. it's visitors like you that make the site the success it is. still, a confused jackass like yourself ventured a jumper guess anyway. as for me being a cocksucker, you have obviously mistaken the top of your brother's head for mine. mom told me you came in your pretty panties like a middle school virgin. what the hell is a "boobye"?)

05.21.00, PHIL, WHAT KIND OF A MORON ARE YOU. YOU HAVE A VERY WARPED SENSE OF HUMOR. ILL BET YOU PISS IN THE SHOWER TOO WITH YOUR BOY FRIEND BOB WELL ANY WAYI AM DONE RIPPING ON THE FAGGET OF FLORIDA AND MAYBE SOMEOLNE WILL THROW YOUR ASS OFF THAT FUCKING BRIDGE LATER. RODGER WIILLCO, MIKE (doesn't that piece of crap virus magnet microsoft outlook express have a spell checker or are you too stupid to know how to use it? also, look there on the left side of your keyboard. see the key that has 'caps lock' printed on it? unlock it, you annoying asshole.)

05.05.00, Chuck, Gulfport, Cyber geek, you need to remember that your still nothing but a loser. Like I give a fuck about yours or anyone elses dumb ass website. Your fifteen minutes are up and you should go back to spending your time masterbating to the porn sites. Its sad that your only contribution to society is a site for placing bets on people comitting suicide. I agree, you should be next. I bet your a big fat pig, and you'd probably explode on impact. Now that would be cool. Chuck in Gulfport (thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to visit our website. it's visitors like you that make the site the success it is. we owe it all to our faithful visitors like yourself. again, thank you so very much)
05.14.00, Chuck, Gulfport, Suck a fat babies dick!!! (chuck, as much as we're sure you could use a good sucking, i would not suck your fat baby dick under any circumcise. please find your boy toys elsewhere, as i'm not interested. thanks for asking though.)
05.19.00, Chuck, Gulfport, I must admit that was a pretty good come back. (chuck, we commend you on your acknowledgement of my "pretty good come back". it took balls on your part to admit that. fat baby balls.)

05.05.00, leon s., Dublin Ireland, very offensive, you are a sick fuck. (yet you ventured a guess, you idiot.)
05.08.00, leon s., Did I win. Cool. Do you seriously think this site isn't offensive? You are still a sick fuck and my bet still stands. The next jumper will die at 3 am after using the phones. He will hit the water. By the way -- you should have a drown or impact choice. Thanks for your time, Leon (leon, let's get real here. i am no more a sick fuck than you are. you pretend to show great offense, yet you play the pool. of course this site is offensive to some, but in less than a week, over 2000 people loved it enough to send positive e-mails, compared to the 10 that found it offensive. that's right, 10. why don't you have a pool for when the next royal takes the big dirt nap?)
05.09.00, leon s., Phil you evil bastard I find that suggestion highly offensive but potentially lucrative so... I might do just that -- sectarian murder pool-- Gender, Religion, Profession, Way they die etc. I could also take bets on the next attempted Genocide. We've had Rwanda, East Timor and Kosovo where next Continent, Country, People... Reason for massacres -- religion--race -- other. I could be on to a winner here. Thanks for the tip, I'll be a millionaire by christmas. Leon
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