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Michelle Nicole Kerr

01.09.15, (page is 404.)

Video: Phoebe's mother says she misses good drugs (video is gone.)

St. Petersburg, Florida -- The mother of Phoebe Jonchuck, the girl who died when she was allegedly thrown from a bridge by her father, can be seen in a YouTube video talking about how she misses good drugs.
Michelle Kerr, in a video titled "what happened to the word ecstasy," says when she was age 14 there was the best ecstasy, the best acid, house parties, PVC black light, and the best ravers, "Me being one of them."
She then laughs about allegedly getting kicked out of school for never going, adding, "I just thought there was more important stuff to do -- like drugs."
Public videos such as these have led to many people to post angry online messages directed at her. Several comments blame her, in part, for Phoebe's death.
"I lost my little girl today and what I see on here is hate messages saying I'm worthless," she wrote in a Facebook post. "Who judge[s] a grieving mother ... I tried all I could, he was the monster not me."
Kerr also told 10 News on Thursday that she didn't ever think Phoebe's father, John Jonchuck, could hurt their daughter.
Jonchuck is being held on several charges -- including first-degree murder -- and other charges in the case.

Michelle Kerr, in a video titled "what happened to the word ecstasy," says when she was age 14 there was the best ecstasy, the best acid, house parties, PVC black light, and the best ravers, "Me being one of them."
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